Feb 9, 2008

Enrique Martinez Celaya

Since I namedropped Celaya in one of my most recent posts I feel obliged to show an image of his work (related to my student's face print from etching) and a link to his website: www.martinezcelaya.com/
The image is titled "Man and Dog (Lonliness)" and features a ghost like silhouette which is there but not yet there. His work has a poetic and ethereal symbolic quality. I enjoy the odd combination of traditional and nontraditional materials and processes in his work that become strengthened when used together (he will often exhibit a juxtoposition of objects like a sculpture in front of a painting). Interestingly, he began his career in Physics before earning an MFA in art. He is currently teaching at the University of Nebraska and is pretty hip. Check out his website for his blog where he posts his thoughts on his work, recent projects, and conversations with other artists. I like the title of a symposium he took part in "Stumbling Towards an Artwork that is not as Terrible at it Could Be". Could have been my mantra had I thought of it first.

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