Mar 10, 2008

No Danger: Printed Plane

Here is my contribution to the "No Danger" Printmaking Plane Exhibition curated by Edward Bernstein Printmaking Professor at Indiana University and Italian installation artist Franco Vecchiet. The exhibition will include 100 artists from the US and Europe and will be displayed at the Richmond International Airport in Virginia in connection with the Southern Graphics Council Annual Print Conference. Artists were invited to create an original printed plane that could be assembled and displayed without the benefit of a kit. This piece is a mixed media reductive woodcut mounted on foam core and is approx 12"x10"x6". It is in "flight" now to Bloomington and will "land" to be installed in Richmond in time for the SGC conference March 26-29th.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the final thing looks good
Still think an itsy bitsy one would have been cool